Hello 2024.

I know, I know. I have been off the radar for a while.

Turns out that, I was facing imposter syndrome.

“What imposter syndrome? You DO live simply.” you may ask.

Well, personally… after all those interviews and questions by others, I always go into myself and ask “Did I truly give them the best possible response?”

In this post, I’m gonna dump all the insecurities I have with minimalism.

  1. At work, I tend to overwhelm myself with context.
    – Either, I feel that I don’t have enough context to solve a problem, or my teachers/students don’t have enough context and I info dump. 😦
  2. My husband and I are child-free with 2 cats.
    – Is the advice stream I churn truly relevant? It is so much easier to be individualistic and reduce waste & possessions with 2 adults making individual choices.
  3. I may not have as many responsibilities as compared to others – be it chosen or not.
    – e.g. I don’t have dietary restrictions or health conditions that really need a whole bunch of equipment.
  4. I am no longer maintaining a strong online presence for this cause.
    – I get serious social anxiety when I write to a very reactive audience and that causes me to “shut down” from the world.
  5. Writing articles with interesting banners is overwhelming.
    – Yes, social media gurus. I know about making things interesting. But hey, I don’t want that. I don’t even want that much fame. I enjoy being a reference point, but that’s about it.

All in all, am I living a minimalistic lifestyle? Yes, for sure. However, I think what I want to emphasise in this post is that via this philosophy, I have spent the last 4 years cutting out what has been causing me social anxiety in the social media space.

I hope to overcome this fear soon and come back to my home, my blogging space, where I can discuss and exchange ideas in a less overwhelming space.

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