
A Minimalist’s Privilege.

Minimalism In Singapore was featured in The Business Times last weekend. Cheers of encouragement deafened the sniggers and critics, it even caused some to switch sides.

The common critique is, “What if…Minimalism was structural privilege?”

The second millennia launched micro-labels served as platforms for micro-celeb status. How far does micro-segregation of subculture run? Are we slowly being wired to be individualistic just to gain some kind of recognition?

From our recent news feature, it sparked a discussion point in the cyberworld – Minimalism is a perceived elitist hobby.

“Rich Person: So this is what it feels like to be poor!” (42 upvotes) – mocks a user.

“Actually, minimalism is pretty much (a) “I have money” hobby. Poor people hoard because they might actually need that shit one day (at least, in their mind)” (58 Upvotes) – quips another.

Do we not see the logic behind not having Just In Case items? The hypothetical “Just In Case” items (not to be confused with “Just For When” items) are robbing us of our money.

How do I know this?

The sudden outburst of online micro market apps and the new Facebook Marketplace shows how much shit people buy without actually using them for ages. Most are Just In Case items that were never used, and no refunds can be claimed.

Scrolling through numerous “$5 or less” offers after you make a quick search instantly triggers a question,  “Do I really want those items? Or are they sitting in someone’s home, waiting to be purchased at a fraction of a price?

The perceived value of a purchased item instantly depreciate once it has been bought. I’d rather have my liquid cash as my “just in case”. Another reason would be…

I’d rather avoid the tiresome toll of selling things online.

Many of the community members, myself included, found it tiresome to sell items off to hagglers and extremely flaky personalities. Micro-markets are not easy to be in, just as with the micro-economy/ gig-economy. What are the chances that the items that you finally cave in to admitting they did not add value to your life, would bring back the same value you purchased them for?

“He who buys what he does not need steals from himself” – random Swedish quote on the internet.

To the nay-sayers – Yes, Minimalism is indeed the slut shaming of mindless consumerism, but the only divide it concretely serves is between emotional purchases and logical ones. At least, that is the main essence of the discussion in our community.

Use, or be used. The choice is yours.

4 thoughts on “A Minimalist’s Privilege.

  1. This is an argument that bothers me very much. People call minimalism a rich person’s game, but don’t stop to look at the fact that they have more money because they haven’t spent it on things. I like your point about having a just in case FUND as opposed to multiple just in case items. The thinking is the same, but with liquid assets you’re more likely to be able to respond to the dilemma appropriately and not sacrifice your space waiting for that “one day”.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I think there’s two things that lead to people perceiving minimalism as a rich persons hobby. The first is that they assume everyone wants to own things for the mere fact that it is normal to them and most in their communities. To accept otherwise would cause them to question their own choices. A great deal of people have a hard time accepting they may not be right.
    Secondly, that there is an idea that minimalism is living in an apartment that is all white with modern furnishings, this isn’t the case in reality, but usually what is known are the most popular cases. The minimalist documentary comes to mind. I dig those guys, but I can see someone who justifies their hoarding being put off by it. And then justifying their distaste by saying how much they hate apartments, modern furniture, cities, etc. They feel attacked but chalk it up style differences.
    Lastly, “random quote from the internet” was gold, it made my morning.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Haha thank you. So much truth in your comment, and none of it condescending. Indeed, by the mere act of just going through your clutter is enough to explain the reason why people turn to minimalism. I used to be vegan but found the community very manipulative. From that point onwards, I came back to the essentials of minimalism and found much more freedom in it.

      I’m glad to have made your day a bit brighter! 🙂

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